Health transformation begins with plan design. Health Plans collaborate with Food Health Collective™to integrate the power of food as medicine as a covered benefit. This vital coverage initiates a journey towards improved health and well-being.
Medical Nutrition
Food Health Collective upholds the highest standards of evidence-based practice. That’s why we combine robustly scientific Medical Nutrition Therapy by our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) with the emerging science of Food is Medicine.
Home Delivered Food
Food Health Collectiveensures the prescribed health intervention reaches patients where they need it the most – at home. Our RDN-curated and medically tailored food is delivered directly to patients' doorsteps. This convenience ensures a seamless experience for individuals on their path to wellness.
Personalized App
At Food Health Collective, we don’t just provide food; we personalize it. Home-delivered food is coupled with our best-in-class app that embeds cultural relevance into the user experience. Patients can choose from a vast array of RDNs and weekly RDN-created recipes with cooking demos matching their food box and health needs that span hundreds of languages and foodways.
Food Health Collective's process is a dedicated delivery system bringing medically tailored food to the doorstep and a personalized approach to nutrition that respects and celebrates the rich tapestry of food cultures. Together with health plans, we're rewriting the narrative of healthcare, one delicious and culturally-inclusive meal at a time.
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